Characteristics of Low Pressure Steam Jet Cooker

Post on 2023-03-27

1. Good liquefaction effect. Low pressure steam jet cooker in the liquefaction process can form high intensity micro turbulence, starch dispersion effect is good, no insoluble starch particles, protein coagulation effect is good,the separation effect of starch and protein is also good. By jet cooker liquefaction, the protein is obviously clustered together, floating on the liquid surface, the sugar liquid filtration speed is greatly accelerated. It eliminates the shortcoming that there is dextrin after the saccharification process due to the   uneven heat of the material liquid, and changes the status that protein is difficult to condense, glucose liquid filtration is difficult,protein and dextrin mixed in glucose liquid, resulting in the foam increase during fermentation and serious glucose liquid loss,and finally effect the extraction rate in the follow-up process and the low quality of refinery liquid. 

2. Jet liquefaction is continuous without plugging. The low pressure steam jet cooker eliminates the clogging phenomenon from the structural principle. There is also no chance of clogging in the presence of whole rice or starch ≥25Be in the slurry. From the application of each manufacturer, it doesn’t need to disassemble and clean the jet cooker after put it into operation for1-3 eliminate the defect in the past that the domestic jet cooker could not produce continuously due to the nozzle aperture and other reasons, especially for hot steam injection which was often blocked.  

3. Suitable for low pressure and superheated steam jet liquefaction. The jet cooker works in the way that the steam carries raw material, the driving force is from the material liquid, not only suitable for low pressure steam, but also suitable for superheated steam jet liquefaction, when liquefaction at temperature below 105℃, the steam pressure of 0.1Mpa can meet the requirements of liquefaction, and the steam balanced, steam mixes with the liquid evenly, compared with the traditional liquefaction method,it can save more than 15% steam.